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The Stinson Beach Adaptation and Resilience Collaboration (ARC)

This initiative helps the Stinson community and local agencies make informed adaptation decisions in response to sea level rise.

Stinson Beach ARC Webinar recording is now available!

Missed the webinar on Stinson Beach sea level rise adaptation options and their tradeoffs? You can now watch the recording, and for more detailed information check out our recently released technical report  looking at the pros and cons of various approaches in order to help Stinson stakeholders make informed adaptation decisions. Visit our visual story map on Stinson Beach hazards  and fill out the brief survey at the end for a chance to win a prize.

What is the Stinson ARC?

Stinson Beach faces a growing threat from rising sea levels and flooding. The Stinson Beach ARC project explores adaptation options to reduce flood risk for the community, its natural areas, and for beach visitors.

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Three questions guide our effort:

  • What options exist for adapting Stinson to rising sea levels?
  • What would these adaptation options look like?
  • What are their pros and cons?

The Stinson Beach ARC project started in the summer of 2022 and will go through 2024.

Stinson Beach ARC Story Map

Please click on the picture below to access a story map about Marin County’s sea level rise planning in Stinson Beach

  • Stinson Beach ARC Story Map

    Content text
    This story map details Stinson Beach's flood hazards, sea level rise scenarios and solutions.
    Stinson Beach Adaptation and Resilience Collaboration (ARC).A Marin County planning process to develop an adaptation roadmap for sea level rise.

News & Updates

Act Now

  • Sign up for the Stinson sea level rise listserv to receive timely updates and find out about upcoming events.
  • Visit our Sustainability Resources to discover how to lower carbon emissions and help fight climate change.
  • Visit and our map of projects[External] to learn more about how we are responding to sea level rise.
  • Have a question or comment? Send us an email.

What are the project’s goals?

  • Revise and update previous assessments with the latest available science.
  • Identify the environmental, social equity, economic, and feasibility of different adaptation approaches over time.
  • Help the Stinson community and local agencies make informed adaptation decisions.

How are we funding this project?

The California Ocean Protection Council Proposition 68 grant program[External], American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), and the County of Marin are funding this project.

Want to learn more?


Page updated July 3, 2024