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News Release —
Preliminary Results Underscore Progress in Marin’s Homelessness Efforts

Individuals living in farm encampments in West Marin now part of the count.
An exterior view of the Marin County Civic Center showing the spire.

Body of News Release

Marin County, CA – Efforts to eliminate homelessness in Marin County are making headway, according to new data released from the 2024 Point in Time (PIT) Count. The preliminary figures show: 

  • An overall 2.8% decrease in homelessness.
  • A 12% decrease in homeless families with children.
  • A 24% decrease in individuals experiencing chronic homelessness.
  • A 32% decrease in homeless veterans.

One notable change in this year’s count is the inclusion of individuals living in farm encampments in West Marin. That addition raised the total count by 85 individuals compared to previous counts. If these individuals, who have been homeless for years, had been counted in 2022, Marin’s 2022 total would have been over 1,200. Therefore, the count of 1,090 in 2024 would represent a functional decrease of approximately 10%. 

Gary Naja-Riese, Director of Marin County Health and Human Services (HHS) Homelessness and Coordinated Care Division, said rectifying that omission is an important part of recognizing the diverse ways in which homelessness manifests in our communities. 

"The inclusion of individuals from farm encampments in West Marin sheds light on a previously obscured aspect of homelessness in our county,” Naja-Riese said. “Despite being categorized as 'farmworker housing' in the past, these individuals meet the criteria for homelessness classification outlined by the HUD, including the lack of essential amenities like basic plumbing."

Marin County's success in tackling homelessness is a testament to the power of evidence-based strategies, collaboration, and adaptability, said Lisa Warhuus, Director of Marin HHS. 

"The significant 24% reduction in chronic homelessness is truly promising," Warhuus said. "Marin's concentrated efforts on addressing the needs of our most vulnerable residents have yielded tangible results. Marin remains committed to using these insights to inform targeted interventions and support services for individuals experiencing homelessness.”

For further information on the Point in Time Count, please visit


Page updated May 20, 2024