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Apply for the Community Service Fund grant program

501c3 or tax-exempt organizations that provide services to all County of Marin residents can apply.

Need To Know Column 1 Subheading
Need to know

Need To Know Column 1
  • Requests can range from $1,000 - $10,000 
  • Organizations are allowed to apply more than once for different projects
  • No organization will get more than $10,000 total each funding cycle
Need To Know Column 2
  • You can apply online 2 times per year:
    • July 1 - August 31
    • January 1 - February 28

Before you start

Make sure to read about the Community Service Fund grant program to make sure it’s right for your organization.

What to do

What to do content
  1. Fill out the application
  2. Submit the online application

What's next

What's next content

Once the application period closes, the Office of the County Executive will review all applications to ensure they are complete and meet minimum qualifications.  All complete and qualifying applications will be presented to the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting, where funding recommendations will be made.  Approval of those recommendations will be made at a later meeting. You're invited to go to these meetings and make comments.

The process from application to receipt of funds takes about 3 months.  

If your application is accepted and approved, you will become a contractor with the County.  You'll need to provide a complete W-9 form and complete a vendor request form.


Page updated June 30, 2024