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News Release —
Board Receives Proposed Budget for 2024-2026

Public hearings on County expenses and priorities are scheduled for June 24-26.
An exterior view of the Marin County Civic Center showing the spire.

Body of News Release

San Rafael, CA – With moderate economic growth expected and concerns of the state funding shortfalls, the Marin County Office of the County Executive will present a balanced budget to the Board of Supervisors at the public hearings on June 24-26.

Compared to last year’s budget, the total County Budget, across all funds, is $814.9 million and increasing by 4%. The General Fund Budget of $618 million is increasing by 4% compared to the prior year.  

The Proposed Budget, introduced to the Board during the June 4 meeting, is balanced and structurally sound. It invests in existing services makes ongoing commitments to previously grant-funded, high-priority initiatives to address homelessness and respond to emergencies, among others.

The Proposed Budget recommends $21 million in one-time funding from savings identified in fiscal year 2023-24 to contribute to reserves, invest further in our facilities, and advance our priorities and state mandates through one-time expenses, and include:  

 One-Time Funding Recommendations Amount
Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium Capital Improvements 5,100,000
Community and West Marin Infrastructure 2,000,000
Property Tax System Replacement 2,000,000
Increase State Budget Reserve 1,500,000
Mandated Stream and Trash Capture Protections 1,500,000
Homelessness Response 1,250,000
Set Aside for Future Participatory Budgeting  1,250,000
Local Match for Sea Level Rise Projects 1,000,000
ADA Transition Planning and Evaluation 500,000
Addressing Substandard Rural Housing 500,000
Appliance Electrification Incentives  500,000
Urban Search and Rescue Equipment and Training  500,000
Civic Center Board Chambers A/V and Accessibility Upgrades  350,000
Marin City Highway Soundwall County Match  250,000
Early Childhood Access and Strategic Planning  250,000
Department One-Time Budget Change Proposals  2,615,000
Total One-Time Funding Recommendations 21,065,000

Three days of informational budget planning sessions were held in March to help inform a proposed budget that reflects the following top priorities:

  • building a racially equitable community
  • investing in County infrastructure
  • preserving and increasing affordable housing choices and addressing homelessness
  • addressing County workforce recruitment and retention
  • reducing carbon emissions and adapting to climate change
  • enhancing disaster preparedness

At the meeting, staff noted that they are closely watching economic developments at the local, state and national level, particularly given state funding shortfalls and a slowing local real estate market. Budget Director Josh Swedberg highlighted that this  budget “reflects a commitment to the County’s values by supporting ongoing efforts to address homelessness and prepare for  emergencies and making smart investments with available one-time funding, but is cautious over new spending given the significant state deficit expected over the coming budget cycle.” Swedberg further remarked that “The County’s history of strong and sensible leadership has put the County on stable footing to both weather these risks and prepare for future challenges in the years to come.”  

The largest sources of revenue in the budget are taxes (43%) and the state and federal governments (35%). The largest expenditures are for the County workforce’s salaries and benefits (56%) and public services and supplies (32%). Roughly 70% of the County budget is for mandated programs such as public health, public safety, and justice-related services.

The June 24-26 hearings will be aired live and later archived on the County website. The Monday session begins at 9 AM and will feature public comment. Those interested in contributing comments may join online or in the Board chamber at Suite 330, Marin County Civic Center, 3501 Civic Center Drive, San Rafael. The hearings continue at 1:30 PM Tuesday, and the final Wednesday session starts at 1:30 PM. A detailed hearings schedule will be uploaded to the Board’s webpage by June 19. Copies of the proposed '24-26 budget are available online.  

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All public meetings and events sponsored or conducted by the County of Marin are held at accessible sites. If you are a person with a disability and require information or materials in alternative formats – or if you require accommodation to participate in a county program, service or activity – please contact department staff by email or at 415-473-7331 or 415-473-4381 (voice/TTY).


Page updated June 5, 2024